Thursday, March 05, 2009


March FWA at the Marina on the 14th


Unfortunately, due to it being “season” we have been unable to secure an appropriate meeting place for our March meeting, which normally would have been for this coming Saturday the 7th. [Ken, we even tried the Perkins you suggested in Bonita, but they don’t reserve their private room in Season, or so they told us.] That’s the bad news. The good news is that we are going to reschedule our meeting this month for a week later, on Saturday, March 14, 2009, from 1:00 to 3:00 – and take the occasion to do something very different in terms of our meeting place and lunch.

Specifically, we will be meeting on the 14th at Tarpon Point Marina in Cape Coral. You can get directions at It’s very beautiful, right on the water, lots of boats, the works. If you’re heading west on Cape Coral Parkway, just come down to Pelican Blvd., turn left and take it down to El Dorado, keep going straight as it turns into Rose Garden and the entrance to the Marina will be on your left about a mile down at Silver King Blvd. You can’t miss it, they’re building an 18 story resort hotel there.

We will be reserving the main Clubhouse at the Marine (very nice!) – not the one up by the sales office. Just follow Silver King past the high-rises to where it ends at the marina. This is a gated community so you will need to check in at the gate, notify them that you are attending the FWA meeting, and they will direct you to the Marina. Parking is available at the harbormaster’s building. After you park, just walk along the dock to the entrance to the Tarpon Landings Towers by the big swimming pool (i.e. by the 3 high-rise condos). The Clubhouse is the only large building between pool and docks. We’ll be inside.

For our lunch we are going to order a sandwich tray from Jason’s Deli.

So if you are able to attend, please RSVP as soon as you can to and let Joanna know if you can make it, and she can tell you about the sandwiches and such. There is a fee that Tarpon Point is going to charge us for using the Clubhouse, plus the cost of the sandwiches and drinks, and if you can chip in $10 that should go a long way to covering all the expenses (which is typically less than lunch where we’ve dined in the past). If there’s any deficit Archebooks Publishing will cover the difference. If you can’t chip in, don’t sweat it, come on and enjoy a good time with fellow writers. Who knows, if this works out OK, this may actually be a more economical and useful venue than we’ve had before.

This month we are going to begin a new series of writing challenges, as we did several months back, which gives each of you (if you wish to participate), the opportunity to share some of your writing and receive critique from fellow writers, both published and unpublished.

For those that wish to participate, the challenge for this coming meeting is: A 1,000 word or less (i.e. approximately 4 pages double-spaced), i.e. a very short story or “scene” entitled, “Wedding Day” – and it must have a twist ending. Have fun with it! J

I hope to see all of you there!!


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